Here is the text of a post by Macon Phillips on the White House blog dated August 4th, 2009:
Facts Are Stubborn Things
As I said in a previous post, the Obama administration is now in damage control mode. All the polls out there, scientific or informal, show there is very little support this health care fiasco. Now they're wanting citizens to turn in their neighbors. There is absolutely no logical reason to put out such a plea other than they want to know specifically who opposes them on this issue. Well, if there are very many who cooperate and rat out their friends, neighbors, and fellow American citizens, they're going to have a very, very long list that will amount to the majority of Americans. Earlier the Department of Homeland Security classified conservatives as "right-wing extremists" who are threats to domestic security. Now this. It seems I'm making a very elite list of American patriots. I figure they are probably already watching my blog, so that's OK. Watch on, Washington. I'll keep on helping you with that troublesome transparency thing.
Now, take the time to visit Ralph Petersen's blog by clicking HERE. He writes WELL MEANING GENTLEMEN WITH DIFFERENT IDEAS and is a real stand-up American. He wrote a letter to President Obama voluntarily reporting himself as being opposed to Obamacare which included his blog address! I'd like to see the face of whichever of Obama's aides read this one! Mr. Petersen, my hat's off to you!
Obamacare was never about health care reform. It is all about control of the American citizen.
Dear Dirk,
there have been some news breaks in the past two days
I'm going to check out Mr Petersens letter - sounds very interesting. I know a few folks who sent emails to the "fishy" address, I imagine they have made THE LIST as well!!
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