28 April 2010


This is an article posted by DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL on April 28, 2010. It's one of the most striking examples of government gone out of control I have ever seen.

April 28, 2010, - 3:50 pm

DumbAssity (TM) of the Day: Santa Clara Outlaws Happy Meals

By Debbie Schlussel

There’s a reason why, as I’ve previously noted, the letters in the words “Nanny State” also make up the words “Neat ‘N’ Nasty.” It’s nasty when others tell you how to live your life. Others like the statist members of California’s Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors.


I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. It’s up to parents to teach their children responsibility, discipline, and self-control. Not McDonald’s. And not government. Big Brother is big enough.

But the lefties who run Santa Clara County don’t think so. And, so, they’ve outlawed Happy Meals and other similar promotions by fast food restaurants, which they say entice kids to nag their parents into buying them unhealthy food. So what? It’s called marketing. It’s a form of free speech protected by the U.S. Constitution. When I was a kid I nagged my parents to buy me things, too. And they often said the one word parents today won’t: NO.

Is that McDonald’s fault? Is it Happy Meals’ fault? No. It’s the fault of lazy parents who won’t say no. Lazy parents who use TV, videos, and computers to raise their kids. Parents who have no sense of what it takes to be a parent. A parent who won’t say no to a Happy Meal because their kid wants a cute toy is a parent who will tolerate drug use, sex at an early age, and bad academics by their kid. In other words, that parent is actually just a sperm or womb donor who wants to be friends with their kid.

And the Supervisors of Santa Clara reward that bad parenting, that laziness, that unwillingness of parents to turn down their kids’ every whim and wish, lest they experience some temporary whining or crying.

Happy Meal toys and other promotions that come with high-calorie children’s meals will soon be banned in parts of Santa Clara County unless the restaurants meet nutritional guidelines approved Tuesday by the county Board of Supervisors.

“This ordinance prevents restaurants from preying on children’s’ love of toys” to sell high-calorie, unhealthful food, said Supervisor Ken Yeager, who sponsored the measure. “This ordinance breaks the link between unhealthy food and prizes.”

Voting against the measure was Supervisor Donald Gage, who said parents should be responsible for their children.

“If you can’t control a 3-year-old child for a toy, God save you when they get to be teenagers,” he said. Gage, who is overweight, said he was a living example of how obese children can become obese adults. . . .

The board, whose jurisdiction extends only to the unincorporated parts of the county, including much of Silicon Valley, voted 3 to 2 in favor of the ban after a contentious meeting that included more than an hour of testimony on both sides.

Yup, like I said, Neat ‘N’ Nasty. They have a Neat and easy way to control McDonald’s. And insert their Nasty predilections on a private business that makes millions of Americans’ lives easier.

The Politburo has come to California in a big way. Sickening.

I said above this is an example of government gone out of control. I'll correct myself. It's an example of government gone Communist and absolutely insane. It is NOT government's responsibility to decide for us what's good or bad for our children. This is solely the responsibility of parents. As Debbie said, parents need to learn the one word seldom heard by children these days: NO! Santa Clara County has way overstepped it's boundaries, and those on the Board that voted for this should be removed from office through a recall election.

But, just hold on folks. The Obama administration is wanting to do the same thing through higher taxes on those grocery items they determine are not healthy for us. The arrogance of it all.


True to form for this administration and Congress, when there is on overload of attention given to pending legislation debate such as the Crap and Tax Disaster bill, always be on your guard. Ever since Obama took office, when there is a major debate on something in Congress in which there is an overload of media attention, there is always some other legislation being slipped through in the shadows. The media hoopla generated by Washington has been nothing more than a distraction to keep our attention off other things they know the majority of Americans will oppose.

This time, it's H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009. The bill was introduced in May 2009, and has been in the House Natural Resources committee ever since. But, according to Majority Leader STENY HOYER, the House will vote on this bill later this week. (SOURCE)

There are a few problems with this. The first thing is that Puerto Rico doesn't want it. This has been attempted for years and years unsuccessfully. This legislation will force the will of Washington on the will of the people of Puerto Rico. We can certainly relate. If passed, Puerto Rico would be forced to have a referendum on statehood every eight years. If the majority vote against it, then there would have to be a second vote with the only choices as full independence from the U.S. or statehood. Since Puerto Rico can't economically afford full independence, can you say "rigged?"

And just in case someone compares this to Alaska and Hawaii. Territories such as Alaska and Hawaii have only been granted statehood when there was overwhelming support among the population of those territories for it. Puerto Rico has no such support for statehood. I do not think it would be a good idea at all to grant statehood t0 a territory where there is not strong support for it.

If Puerto Rico becomes a state, there will be billions, if not trillions, of dollars poured into it to bring everything such as power generating plants and sewerage treatment into compliance with U.S. laws and regulations. And, since Puerto Rico is such an impoverished nation with the average resident's income being less than half of the poorest state in the U.S., the entire population of nearly four million would be instantly eligible for all welfare entitlements including Obamacare. Like Obamacare, we simply cannot afford this. This would balloon our deficit even further out of control. I can foresee billions going into Puerto Rico with little or no accountability. It's not like it hasn't happened before.

I think the last point is the real impetus. The Democrats are hoping to create a four million strong voting block, thinking the people of Puerto Rico would vote Democratic to keep the handouts coming. Puerto Rico's representation in Washington would be greater than half of the states here potentially locking up a Democrat majority. If this is true, such a plan could easily backfire. The current governor or Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuno, identified as a Republican when he served as Resident Commissioner in the U. S. House of Representatives from 2005 to 2009.
The Democrats are still trying to do all the damage they can before November. They see the polls, they know if the mid-term elections were held today, all Democratic incumbents would be packing their bags. numbers have held since last year and are not expected to change. So the big push to further their agenda as much as possible is definitely on.

Just one more reminder that when there's a lot of attention about something that's being debated in Congress, look behind them to see what's REALLY going on.

27 April 2010


Here is an article from Tabitha Hale about FREEDOM WORKS' response to Lance Baxter aka D. C. Douglas's voicemail he left at Freedom Works. The comment was, shall we say, less than complimentary. Baxter/Douglas was the voice at the end of GEICO commercials, and the company, not wishing to be involved in the negative publicity surrounding the incident, terminated Douglas after the Freedom Works CEO publicly identified Douglas on BIGGOVERNMENT.COM. It could also have had something to do with the fact the very demographic of people he was insulting undoubtedly consisted of those who "saved 15% or more" on their auto insurance. (SOURCE)

Listen to Baxter's voicemail:

Be sure to click on the audio of Freedom Works calling him back. He gets the "Porky Pig" effect going, will not even talk to them, and hangs up!

And now for Ms. Hale's article:

In light of GeicoGate and the recent accusations from the media regarding the violent rhetoric of the conservative movement, I've taken the liberty of editing together the voicemails and emails we've received as a result of DC Douglas' call to contact FreedomWorks. Here's the result.

WARNING: This is intense. Violent language is an understatement. I haven't censored - only edited to remove names and phone numbers.

Now, just for kicks, go check out DC’s video of messages left by Tea Party members the day we posted his voicemail on BigGovernment.com. Any comparison?


Feel free to post this. Spread it far and wide. Let the world hear the peaceful, tolerant Left in all their glory.

26 April 2010


From the poll numbers, voters in America no longer have the short memory as they have had in the past. According to ELECTION PROJECTION.COM, the Democrats are still set to lose big this November.

As of today, Republicans are expected to unseat twenty-four Democrats in the House this November.

House Race Stats

As of yesterday, the Senate looks much the same when those elections roll around. Senate Democrats stand to lose eight seats with Republicans gaining eight, and no change for the two Independents.

Senate Race Stats

The Democrats are in big trouble and that's why they, along with the Obama administration, are in such a rush to do as much damage as possible with no regard for the will of the people. They all know in November, it will be over. This administration has dug its own grave politically and are taking many of their fellow Democrats with them. Fortunately, that much of the Constitution hasn't been shredded, and We The People can still fire them when they forget for whom they really work.

25 April 2010


I know this is old news by now, but I have not had the chance to write about this until now. For many of you, this will still be "fresh" news since the mainstream media has said very little about it. Most of you probably don't know that President Obama walked out on Prime Minister Netanyahu. This happened on March 23, 2010 when the Israeli delegation, which included Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, met with President Obama about proposed housing settlements in East Jerusalem.

The meetings failed to gain a concession from Israel regarding settlements and withdrawal of Israeli forces. So, President Obama walked out on the delegation telling them, "Let me know if anything changes." This, being translated, is, "Let me know if you see it my way", or more succinctly, "My way or the highway." The president then went to dinner and left the Israelis sitting.

This is a major disrespect of a foreign leader that I have not seen in my lifetime, especially of an allied nation. Such behavior on the part of an American president toward an ally is, to put it very mildly, a disgrace to everything this nation has ever stood for, especially when the president has said many times that he will talk to the terrorist leaders such as Iranian President Man-I-Need-A-Job with no preconditions, smiles for the cameras with Chinese President Jintao, and bows to the king of a terrorist nation. That's effective foreign diplomacy if I ever saw it. Treat those who are our friends like trash and those whose only objective is to destroy the United States like his big buddy and pal.

(Click HERE for the U.K. Times article, click HERE for another account, and for a leftist watered-down version that totally omits Obama's disrespectful departure from the meeting, click HERE.)

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs' statement about the highly unusual lack of press coverage and photos of Obama and Netanyahu is still yet another indicator of just how arrogant this administration is. In an apparent response to the press having been excluded, Gibbs said, "I think it comes as a great shock to you and me, but not everything the president does is for the cameras and for the press." No, just those things that cozy up to enemy nations, that's all. Transparency at its finest.

To my knowledge, Prime Minister Netanyahu is the only foreign dignitary to have been treated so shabbily by the president. Wonder what would happen if Obama walked out on President Man-I-Need-A-Job with those oh-so-warm parting words, "Let me know if anything changes."

18 April 2010


You read that right. A judge at the U. S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin ruled last week that the National Day of Prayer was unconstitutional. The FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION, representing it's 13,700 members (LAWSUIT TO STOP NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER [Examiner.com]), was filed in 2008. Click HERE for a brief summary of the suit. The suit which has been going through the courts

Judge Barbara Crabb ruled on April 15, 2010 that the National Day of Prayer, established in 1952 but dating back to 1775 (click HERE), is unconstitutional.

Judge Crabbs' reasoning for the FFRF had standing to bring the suit in the first place was as follows:

"The primary injury plaintiffs allege is the feeling of unwelcomeness and exclusion they experience as nonreligious persons because of what they view as a message from the government that it favors Americans who pray. That injury is intangible."

That must be just about the most sideways reasoning of any judicial opinion I have ever seen. And I have seen some "doozies" in my time. "Unwelcomeness" from what? "Exclusion" from what? Of course, leftist activist Judge Crabb did not explain these simple questions. It's because she can't. Because of "what THEY view"? Sounds like a personal problem to me that less than 14,000 people (there are Facebook pages with more members than that!) should not be wasting my tax dollars on.

Judge Crabb's further off-the-wall reasoning continues:

"Religious freedom under the First Amendment contains two components, the right to practice one's religion without undue interference under the free exercise and the right to be free from disfavor or disparagement on account of religion under the establishment clause."

Let's take a look at something very subtle here. ". . . the right to practice one's religion without UNDUE interference . . . " "UNDUE?" Exactly who defines "UNDUE"? How much interference with the right to practice religion (let's just go ahead and say it here: practice Christianity; this suit does not refer to the Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Wiccans, Church of Satan, or any one of the other myriad religions in our country)? ANY interference is undue. Apparently, Judge Crabb believes that the practice of Christianity can be interfered with by the government. Judge Crabb needs to read the First Amendment and pay attention to it.

The First Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF . . . " I don't see anything there that permits ANY level of interference, "undue" or otherwise. When the National Day of Prayer was established in 1952, it was not a law establishing any religion. The government did not tell us the only religion we were permitted to practice was _________________ (fill in the blank). It's a national observance in which those who are not religious can choose to not participate and go on about their daily lives.

The National Day of Prayer is no different than the government establishing Thanksgiving and Christmas as national observances. This is part of the continuing attack on Christianity by a tiny minority of people, in this case, less than 14,000, trying to force their will on the majority of Americans by any stretch of the imagination. Leftist wingnut groups like this avoid the legislative process to advance their agenda like the plague. They carefully pick and choose their cases and file lawsuits to bypass the American people by bypassing Congress and the President.

If this travesty is allowed to stand, I will see to it there will be a day of prayer set aside each year in my community. It's not too much to ask to contact all the church pastors in this area to organize it and gather at the courthouse to pray. There will be copies of the First Amendment available should anyone from the AMERICAN COMMUNIST LIBERTIES UNION, the FFRF, or any other leftist anti-Constitution groups choose to try to stop me from exercising my freedom.

Oh, by the way, a couple of other points.

There's a little leftwing propaganda (i. e. lies) floating around calling the National Day of Prayer REAGAN'S PRAYER RITUAL. It was former President HARRY S. TRUMAN who signed it into law April 17, 1952 after a unanimous vote of both houses of Congress. President Truman was a Democrat. Guess that's why the left prefers to "credit" former President Reagan than admit it was a Democrat who signed it into law.

The FFRF did not count on this: President Obama says he will sign the proclamation to observe the National Day of Prayer despite the lawsuit (NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER DEEMED UNCONSTITUTIONAL, BUT OBAMA WILL RECOGNIZE IT ANYWAY - CBS News.) Wonder what they gonna do 'bout it?