05 August 2011


I just saw this post by Debbie Schlussel and our loss of freedom continues in the name of appeasing the Muslims. After all, we have to be VERY sure we are sensitive to their religious beliefs and customs, but it's OK to offend and publicly ridicule Christans.  Here is her POST:

August 4, 2011, - 6:15 pm

It’s Over: Toronto Police Help Muslim Mob Punch Man w/ Camera

This is in Canada, but if you think it can’t, won’t, or hasn’t already happened here in the U.S., you need to get your head out of the sand.  Apparently, you cannot take pictures in a public place anymore .  .  . when Muslims are involved.  Yup, when Muslims are involved, all democracy, all freedoms, all rights go out the window . . . because, hey, we might offend them.
David Menzies Assaulted By Muslims Who Are Defended by Dhimmi Toronto Cops
David Menzies, a Toronto freelance writer, writes this excellent and frightening Toronto Sun column about how a Muslim woman in a hijab punched him for daring to take a photo (and not of her).  The nerve of him. But it gets worse. The dhimmi Toronto Police defend the Muslim woman for punching him and trying to destroy his camera. Oh, and the Arab Muslim mob acts like they are in Saudi Arabia’s “Chop Chop Square” and it’s jihad time.
What constitutes a physical assault in Toronto these days? . . . I learned firsthand on Sunday, a fist in the face doesn’t necessarily constitute assault in our increasingly culturally sensitive Toronto.
The details: I was at Yonge-Dundas Square with my nine-year-old son. We ate pizza. We drank bubble tea. And I used my new Canon camera to take photos of this neon shrine.
Suddenly, a woman wearing a hijab ran toward me. She was part of a group that included two women wearing full face-covering burkas. She was screaming: “We are Muslim! You do not take pictures of us!” (Odd. I can’t find the “no photos” rule in the Qur’an.)
I informed the lady I was in a public square in a democracy. I can actually take pictures of whomever I please.
And then: Ka-pow! Her fist collided with my face. Worse, she almost knocked my new camera from my hands.
My son and I were then surrounded by a mob of about 20 people, many of whom were speaking Arabic. One kept demanding I surrender my camera to him.
It was surreal. Was I in Toronto — or Riyadh?
It could be Dearbornistan or Minneapolis.
I spotted a group of bicycle-mounted police officers. I burst through the mob with my son and made a beeline towards them. I told a Toronto Police officer what had happened and I wanted to press assault charges.
Better yet, a man and a woman came forward as eyewitnesses.
The 50-something couple, originally from Syria, told the police they had observed the entire affair and my allegations were true. The couple said they understood Arabic and knew what the mob was saying.
Alas, my Spidey Senses started to tingle when I overheard the questions being asked of the witnesses. “Was it a closed-fist punch or an open hand? Was it the front or the back of the hand?”
Huh? Physical contact had been made. Why did severity matter?
After the officer took my statement, he went over to the offending woman. Another constable was inexplicably miffed I was (legally) taking photos in the first place. The irony: Just above our heads a Toronto Police Service sphere was videotaping the activities.
The officer interrogated the woman. She was still hysterical. Good. The constable would encounter firsthand what I had been forced to deal with earlier.
The cop walked back to me. No charges would be laid, he said, because he believed the woman’s story — namely, she was merely trying to knock the camera out of my hands.
Got that? Apparently, attempted property damage is OK. If a face gets in the way of a would-be vandalizing fist… hey, accidents happen.
The Syrian eyewitnesses were speechless. I continued to plead my case.
Toronto Police cruisers are emblazoned with the slogan, “To serve and protect”. But increasingly, the unofficial slogan seems closer to, “F.I.D.O.” (“Forget It; Drive On.”)
The fact we have Islamists living amongst us who despise western values isn’t news. But surely you can’t just sock someone in the mouth.
Well, apparently you can — as long as the intent of the aggressor was merely to inflict property damage.
Happy Ramadan, everyone! And say good-bye, North America. I used to say we were 10 or 20 years behind Europe when it comes to collapsing under the weight of Islam and Muslims.
But we’re getting there faster than that. Time to get fitted for a keffiyeh.
This is yet one more fine example of the "religion of peace" that is enjoying more and more privileges the rest of free society does not enjoy.  Can you imagine what it would have been like if a Christian had done this very same thing in the name of his/her religious beliefs?  There wouldn't have been the excuse-making or glossing over and making assault OK.  That Christian would have been under the jail.  Laws seem to increasingly not apply to Muslims.
Those who think they are "tolerant" will have the same loss of rights and be subjected to the same treatment.  This is something the liberal left doesn't understand.  There is no tolerance for liberalism or any other ideology under Muslim rule, only Islam.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I read about this, and knowing the area well, I can't say I am surprised at all. I'm not surprised either that this is not in the lame stream either. Sharia is galloping, but people are ignorant and/or don't care.
Thanks Dirk for posting this!!
God Bless!