03 April 2009


Here is a movie that my wife sent me a few weeks ago. Don't judge the film by its title. The producers make it very clear early on this isn't about Conservative or Liberal, Democrat or Republican. It puts forth several ideas, but the main subject line is the New World Order that's being put into place. The subject matter is very serious, and at least some of the things shown threaten our very way of life. This is well worth watching. It's a full length movie, so grab a cup of coffee and relax awhile. I encourage you to watch the entire movie, and draw your own conclusions. And please share your conclusions!

If the movie won't play, here are a couple of links to it:




Heli gunner Tom said...

Some Americans like you are getting the full, true picture... not that we can really do too much about obama and the Dims... lol.
Thank you, Dirk, for all your great comments and prayers for Sharon and I.
Bless you and your family!

Tom Schuckman
Jesus is Lord.

Carolyn said...

Hi Dirk. I haven't been able to see this whole thing yet, but I am trying! I agree with Tom- we can't do anything about this, and I do believe this is all a part of a larger plan, which God has laid out~ with people like those who believe they hold all the power over politicians and banking ect. actually are doing the bidding of the Lord without even realizing it. For more Dirk, in case you missed them, see my conspiracy theories from Jan. and Feb. http://no-apologies-round2.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html
God Bless you Dirk~ keep posting this stuff, and while we may not be able to change much, it will hopefully wake people up!

CINDY said...

I've heard from quite a few people that before Obama's 4 yr term is over, he will be assinated. This movie is so interesting. I have saved it so my husband and son in law can watch it. Give Natalie and Katie my love. xoxoxoxo
Love to all

Unknown said...

I'm so happy to see other people promoting The Obama Deception! I believe that EVERYBODY needs to see this movie. It helps if you have a good background in history to connect all the information, but otherwise it's a MUST see!

Heli gunner Tom said...

You are a Saint and Hero in my eyes-- for at least coming to my defense today.

Thank you for all your input, and others are chirping in now agreeing with us.

Your Bro.
Tom Schuckman

Lisa said...

I watched the whole movie and it really is something we must share with everyone we know. It is imperative that people wake up and pray and ask God what we must do. I believe Jesus is coming soon. Obviously this is all leading to the rise of the anti christ and one wonders which of the players in this is the one. What terrible deceptions we have all been living under. The Bible is right...there is much evil in high places. I do not even know how to pray about all this but I do feel that God will show us each what we must do next. I have felt great unrest in my soul for many months now and have felt this great disturbance going on.

~Zurama Arencibia Nuñez~ said...

What do you mean we can't do anything about it? We can!! Inform others and keep writing. Let our lawmakers, that we are not going to take it anymore!!!

~Zurama Arencibia Nuñez~ said...

Oh by the way Dirk I just love this blog. I am adding it to my Spanish version of Sunrise in Havana, until I finish the changes on the English version. Good job on being a great American!! :)